This is the last meeting to prepare for the Radio Ralley in Blackpool. If you are attending in an official capacity as a member of SLARC please let Dave know and it would be easier for external group organisers if we wear our SLARC T-Shirts, fleece etc to properly identify us to officials. Visit the ACC website.
Yearly archives: 2024
This Easter the South Lancs Amateur Radio Club is pleased to support the Rally/Hamfest in Blackpool. Event on Sunday 23rd April from 10:30am till 4pm. SLARC will have a table there to introduce NEW members into the world of amateur radio.Our Gov’nor, Dave, M0TEG and Steve 2E0FDF will also be attending and also other members from the South Lancs Amateur […]
31st January 2024 – AGM at the ACC The first meet in 2024 and we kick off with our annual AGM. Doors will open from 19:30 and the AGM will start at 20:00
Ethics and Operating Procedures from the International Amateur Radio Union is a great read for anyone interested in amateur radio or an established ham wanting to explore new communication formats. This 68 page book written by Mark Devoldere (ON4UN) and Mark Demeuleneere (ON4WW) is available as a free download.