Polo shirts bearing the club logo are now available in many colours and sizes from ‘Small’ to ‘XXLarge’. Prices start from £12.50 and you can place your orders at the club night meeting with the secretary Steve.
What a great day at NARSA (North Amateur Radio Societies Association) Rally. The South Lancs ARC stand was busy all day meeting and talking to Amateur Radio enthusiasts from all over the UK and beyond! It kick started the ‘Ham Plate’ draw too. Visit the NARSA Website
South Lancs Amateur Radio Club activated their local beacon, Ashurst Beacon, with a special event call sign of GB9ASH in a celebration of the start of communication over vast distances. On a super sunny summer day the club was on air from 1000hrs to 1600hrs UTC on 2m VHF (FM and SSB), 40m SSB & QRP and 20m SSB and […]
During 2020 we had to suspend all face to face meetings and activities and moved the club online using Video Conferencing. When activities return you will see the details on this page but until then stay safe, follow the government guidlines and enjoy your radio.
Hopefully from the 29th March onwards when the rule of 6 returns we can return to Ashurst Beacon in a small group. As its out in the open air, if government guildlines allow, we hope to have a monthly meeting radio event. Stay tuned for any upcoming dates
Well done to the 1st Abram Cub Scouts for putting up with us at the South Lancs Amateur Radio Club. Working HF, VHF, UHF and DMR – Special Event Callsign GB1FAS.
Yay meetings are back. Not only do we have NEW members we have a NEW Venue. 20 Vicarage Rd, Abram, Wigan WN2 5QX images of the venue.
This Easter the South Lancashire Amateur Radio Club is pleased to acknowledge Youth’s On The Air (YOTA) on the FreeSTAR Digital/Multi Mode Network. Hosted on Sunday 17th April 14:00 UTC, 15:00 BST. For the first hour your Net Control will be Declan 2W0KYH On hour 2 Liam M7LCB. Let’s give these fine young gentleman our support and Connect to the […]
This Easter the South Lancs Amateur Radio Club is pleased to support the Rally/Hamfest in Blackpool. Event on Sunday 24th April from 10:30am till 4pm. SLARC will have a table there to introduce NEW members into the world of amateur radio.Our Gov’nor, Dave, M0TEG and Steve 2E0FDF will also be attending and also other members from the South Lancs Amateur […]