Furthering The Interest Of All Aspects Of Amateur Radio


Radio related organisations you may find useful

Radio Society of Great Britain

The RSGB has traditionally acted as the organisation through which its members interact with the telecommunications regulatory authority of the United Kingdom, Ofcom. The RSGB also acts as a parent organisation to oversee and govern many smaller groups and societies. Some of these societies unite local areas (such as repeater groups) or groups of individuals (such as Forces service groups, or old timer groups) or even people interested in a particular amateur radio band (such as 2-metre band groups).  Visit the RSGB Website   Current UK Band Plans   List of UK Repeaters 

Herrold School’s contribution towards call signs and radio transmissions in 1909, Post World War II radio developments, etc.

for Noah and his father…

RAYNET-UK a national voluntary communications service

Formed in 1953 following the severe East coast flooding, RAYNET provides a way of organising the valuable resource that Amateur Radio is able to offer to the community. RAYNET is regarded as a professional support organisation by both the statutory and volunteer emergency service organisations. RAYNET Website

Worked all Britain Awards Group

The Worked All Britain Awards Group (W.A.B.) was devised to promote an interest in Amateur Radio and to sponsor a series of awards based on the geography of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. WAB Website

Northern Amateur Radio Societies Association

The objective of the association is to organise an annual exhibition, at which member Amateur Radio Societies and commercial organisations may display various aspects of the hobby. Membership is open to any organised Amateur Radio group, subject to the approval of the Committee. NARSA Website

RAIBC – UK registered charity No 802348

Established in 1954, RAIBC is a national society and Charity, dedicated to supporting Radio Amateurs and Short-wave Listeners with disabilities. Services include the recording and distribution of audio literature and the loan transceivers and receivers to qualifying members. RAIBC Website

BARTG – British Amateur Radio Teledata Group

BARTG was founded in 1959 with the aim of promoting the use of teleprinters (RTTY) within amateur radio. BARTG’s main activities these days are its contests, its awards and sponsorship of DX-peditions that meet its criteria. BARTG Website

G QRP – Low Power Amateur Radio

Formed in 1974, the GQRP Club is a non profit organisation run entirely by volunteers to promote Low Power Radio. Our quarterly magazine SPRAT provides a fascinating read containing articles of varying complexity, from simple test equipment, to fully functioning radio transmitters and receivers. G QRP Website

WSPRnet – Weak Signal Propagation Reporter

WSPR is a computer program used for weak-signal radio communication. The open source software is designed for sending and receiving low-power transmissions to test propagation paths on the MF and HF bands.  WSPRnet Website

UK Scanning Directory

Find out about radio scanning in The UK and get the latest HF, VHF and UHF Scanner Frequencies from our Database which is Updated Daily by a dedicated group of Radio Amateurs, SWL Listeners and Friends. Visit Website

FISTS – The International Morse Preservation Society

FISTS supports the use, preservation and education of Morse code. The club is devoted exclusively to CW operators, CW operating and people who are passionate about Morse code.  FISTS Website


EchoLink allows licensed Amateur Radio stations to communicate with one another over the Internet, using streaming-audio technology. The program allows worldwide connections to be made between stations, or from computer to station, greatly enhancing Amateur Radio’s communications capabilities. Echolink Website

European PSK Club

The European PSK Club, or EPC for short, is an informal club of amateur radio operators dedicated to maintaining high levels of amateur radio communications on PSK (Phase Shift Keying) modes. European PSK Website

The Vintage & Military Amateur Radio Society

Encourage the conservation, restoration and use of ‘classic’ electronic equipment, with a principal focus on wireless techniques, whether applied to communications, RADAR or other pulsed signalling systems—but not neglecting line communication, audio recording, mine detecting and so on. VMARS Website

British Young Ladies Amateur Radio Association

Founded in April 1979 to further YL operating in Britain and so promote friendship, stimulate interest and, in particular, encourage good operating techniques and courtesy to all operators at all times. BYLARA is affiliated to the RSGB and membership is open to all. Since its formation BYLARA has been instrumental in establishing several YL (Young Ladies) activities. BYLARA Website

Radio Amateurs Old Timers’ Association

Seeks to keep alive the pioneer spirit and traditions of the past in todays Amateur Radio by means of personal and radio contact, whilst being mindful of any special needs. RAOTA Website