Furthering The Interest Of All Aspects Of Amateur Radio

Meet The Team

The SLARC Team

David Horner M0TEG – Club Tutor/Chairman.

David is currently the longest serving member of the club, he has held various committee positions in his long serving membership. He has now settled into the role of both our club chairman and also club tutor guiding new and unlicensed members through our training programmes and helping them get on the air.

Awaiting BIO Update for New Treasurer: Lee

Rina Horner 2E0RIN – Club and Exam Secretary.

As a form of recuperation following a recent illness Rina started studying for her amateur licence and took to it like a duck to water. She started helping out at the club and has now settled into the role of club and exam secretary.

Steve Christie M0XEM – Co-Tutor and E-learning co-ordinator.

Steve has worked 22+ years at the BBC and as a college lecturer. He is very clued up within the HAM radio hobby, his electronics knowledge is second to none and is very good in putting this knowledge into practice. He’s been with us for a few years now and quickly moved up the ranks from Foundation, Intermediate to FULL Licence holder.


Carl Woodall M7CWN – Website Administrator.

With over 20 years experience in using commercial radio as a Security Officer and 40 years working with computers, his expertise with Information Technology meant we could not pass him up as part of our team.

Mike Lunt G8ALD (Silent Key) – Gone but not forgotten.

Since retiring Mike returned to Amateur Radio after a short forty year break! Over seas posting and raising children took over for a spell. “It’s bit like herding cats keeping this lot in order, but quite honestly, they’re a good bunch really”.

UPDATE: Mike sadly passed away in 2021 and as a mark of respect we will leave his bio on the team list as we all as a club thought very highly of him and respected him for the kind and gentle man he was.

73 Mike RIP.

You??? Membership is still open giving you an opportunity to become an amateur radio operator or SWL (Short Wave Listener) and explore this fascinating hobby. So put down that phone, switch off that television and take a new satisfying and enjoyable direction